Articles | Volume 17, issue 19
Technical note
11 Oct 2017
Technical note |  | 11 Oct 2017

Technical note: The US Dobson station network data record prior to 2015, re-evaluation of NDACC and WOUDC archived records with WinDobson processing software

Robert D. Evans, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Audra McClure-Begley, Glen McConville, Dorothy Quincy, and Koji Miyagawa


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Short summary
The record of the total ozone column (TOC) from stations using the Dobson ozone spectrophotometer is one of the longest geophysical records in existence. Recent adoption of a new data processing scheme, with improved results prompted a complete reprocessing of the historical record from these NOAA/NDACC sites. As the original record of TOC from these stations are used for trend analysis and satellite verification, the scientific community should be aware of the changes in the new data set.
Final-revised paper