Articles | Volume 16, issue 13
Research article
12 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 12 Jul 2016

Observations of PAN and its confinement in the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone in high spatial resolution

Jörn Ungermann, Mandfred Ern, Martin Kaufmann, Rolf Müller, Reinhold Spang, Felix Ploeger, Bärbel Vogel, and Martin Riese


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Peer-review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision
AR by Joern Ungermann on behalf of the Authors (30 May 2016)  Author's response   Manuscript 
ED: Publish subject to technical corrections (15 Jun 2016) by Martyn Chipperfield
AR by Joern Ungermann on behalf of the Authors (17 Jun 2016)  Manuscript 
Short summary
This paper presents an analysis of temperature and the trace gases PAN and O3 in the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) region. The positive PAN anomaly consisting of polluted air is confined vertically within the main ASM anticyclone, whereas a recently shed eddy exhibits enhanced PAN VMRs for 1 to 2 km above the thermal tropopause. This implies that eddy shedding provides a very rapid horizontal transport pathway of Asian pollution into the extratropical lowermost stratosphere.
Final-revised paper