Articles | Volume 16, issue 10
Research article
25 May 2016
Research article |  | 25 May 2016

Limitations of ozone data assimilation with adjustment of NOx emissions: mixed effects on NO2 forecasts over Beijing and surrounding areas

Xiao Tang, Jiang Zhu, ZiFa Wang, Alex Gbaguidi, CaiYan Lin, JinYuan Xin, Tao Song, and Bo Hu


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Short summary
Chemical data assimilation through adjusting precursor emissions has brought out notable impacts on improving ozone forecasts in previous studies. This paper, from another point of view, investigated in detail the impacts of adjusting nitrogen oxide emissions on the forecasts of nitrogen dioxide through assimilating ozone observations. Limitations of the existing chemical data assimilation methods in a highly nonlinear system were identified and highlighted.
Final-revised paper