Articles | Volume 16, issue 10
Research article
20 May 2016
Research article |  | 20 May 2016

Rapid growth in nitrogen dioxide pollution over Western China, 2005–2013

Yuanzheng Cui, Jintai Lin, Chunqiao Song, Mengyao Liu, Yingying Yan, Yuan Xu, and Bo Huang


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Short summary
We find rapid NO2 growth over Western China over 2005–2013 at a rate which exceeds the rates over the well-known polluted regions in the east. A nested GEOS-Chem simulation and Chinese official emission data confirm that anthropogenic emissions are the main driver of NO2 variations. Additional socioeconomic analysis suggests that this rapid NO2 growth is likely related to the fast industrialization and urbanization along with the "Go West" movement as well as relatively weak emission controls.
Final-revised paper