Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Research article
04 May 2016
Research article |  | 04 May 2016

Laboratory-generated mixtures of mineral dust particles with biological substances: characterization of the particle mixing state and immersion freezing behavior

Stefanie Augustin-Bauditz, Heike Wex, Cyrielle Denjean, Susan Hartmann, Johannes Schneider, Susann Schmidt, Martin Ebert, and Frank Stratmann


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Short summary
In this study, we mixed a pure mineral dust sample with ice active biological material and quantified the immersion freezing behavior of the resulting particles utilizing the Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS). Furthermore, we used different methods to investigate the mixing state of our generated aerosol. We found that internally mixed particles, containing ice active biological material, follow the ice nucleation behavior observed for the pure biological particles.
Final-revised paper