Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Research article
21 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 21 Apr 2016

The impact of monthly variation of the Pacific–North America (PNA) teleconnection pattern on wintertime surface-layer aerosol concentrations in the United States

Jin Feng, Hong Liao, and Jianping Li


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Short summary
We examine the impacts of monthly variations in Pacific-North America (PNA) teleconnection on aerosol concentrations in the United States during wintertime by observations from the EPA-AQS and the model results from the GEOS-Chem. The surface-layer PM2.5 concentrations in the PNA positive phases were higher by 8.7 % (12.2 %) relative to the PNA negative phases based on observed (simulated) concentrations, which have important implications for understanding and prediction of air quality in the US.
Final-revised paper