Articles | Volume 16, issue 23
© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Impacts of heterogeneous uptake of dinitrogen pentoxide and chlorine activation on ozone and reactive nitrogen partitioning: improvement and application of the WRF-Chem model in southern China
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Yee Jun Tham
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Ravan Ahmadov
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences,
University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Earth System Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Boulder, CO, USA
Likun Xue
Environment Research Institute, Shandong University, Ji'nan, China
Qiang Zhang
Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Junyu Zheng
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, South China
University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
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50 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Halogens Enhance Haze Pollution in China Q. Li et al. 10.1021/acs.est.1c01949
- Significant chlorine emissions from biomass burning affect the long-term atmospheric chemistry in Asia D. Chang et al. 10.1093/nsr/nwae285
- Multiphase Photochemistry of Pyruvic Acid under Atmospheric Conditions A. Reed Harris et al. 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b01107
- Heterogeneous N2O5 uptake coefficient and production yield of ClNO2 in polluted northern China: roles of aerosol water content and chemical composition Y. Tham et al. 10.5194/acp-18-13155-2018
- Importance of reactive halogens in the tropical marine atmosphere: a regional modelling study using WRF-Chem A. Badia et al. 10.5194/acp-19-3161-2019
- Integration of airborne and ground observations of nitryl chloride in the Seoul metropolitan area and the implications on regional oxidation capacity during KORUS-AQ 2016 D. Jeong et al. 10.5194/acp-19-12779-2019
- Chemical Interactions Between Ship‐Originated Air Pollutants and Ocean‐Emitted Halogens Q. Li et al. 10.1029/2020JD034175
- Modeling the impact of heterogeneous reactions of chlorine on summertime nitrate formation in Beijing, China X. Qiu et al. 10.5194/acp-19-6737-2019
- An in situ flow tube system for direct measurement of N2O5 heterogeneous uptake coefficients in polluted environments W. Wang et al. 10.5194/amt-11-5643-2018
- Fast heterogeneous N2O5 uptake and ClNO2 production in power plant and industrial plumes observed in the nocturnal residual layer over the North China Plain Z. Wang et al. 10.5194/acp-17-12361-2017
- Impacts of chlorine chemistry and anthropogenic emissions on secondary pollutants in the Yangtze river delta region J. Li et al. 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117624
- Impact of international shipping emissions on ozone and PM2.5 in East Asia during summer: the important role of HONO and ClNO2 J. Dai & T. Wang 10.5194/acp-21-8747-2021
- Heterogeneous N2O5 reactions on atmospheric aerosols at four Chinese sites: improving model representation of uptake parameters C. Yu et al. 10.5194/acp-20-4367-2020
- Potential Effect of Halogens on Atmospheric Oxidation and Air Quality in China Q. Li et al. 10.1029/2019JD032058
- Anthropogenic Control Over Wintertime Oxidation of Atmospheric Pollutants J. Haskins et al. 10.1029/2019GL085498
- Production of N2O5 and ClNO2 in summer in urban Beijing, China W. Zhou et al. 10.5194/acp-18-11581-2018
- Refined source apportionment of nitrate aerosols based on isotopes and emission inventories in coastal city of northern China Y. Ni et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177388
- Modeling particulate nitrate in China: Current findings and future directions X. Xie et al. 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107369
- Sensitivity of the WRF-Chem v4.4 simulations of ozone and formaldehyde and their precursors to multiple bottom-up emission inventories over East Asia during the KORUS-AQ 2016 field campaign K. Kim et al. 10.5194/gmd-17-1931-2024
- The deep blue day is decreasing in China S. Wang et al. 10.1007/s00704-021-03898-1
- Effects of Anthropogenic Chlorine on PM2.5 and Ozone Air Quality in China X. Wang et al. 10.1021/acs.est.0c02296
- Significant Impact of Reactive Chlorine on Complex Air Pollution Over the Yangtze River Delta Region, China X. Yi et al. 10.1029/2023JD038898
- Significant impact of heterogeneous reactions of reactive chlorine species on summertime atmospheric ozone and free-radical formation in north China X. Qiu et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133580
- Direct measurement of N2O5 heterogeneous uptake coefficients on ambient aerosols via an aerosol flow tube system: design, characterization and performance X. Chen et al. 10.5194/amt-15-7019-2022
- Impacts of ocean biogeochemistry on atmospheric chemistry L. Tinel et al. 10.1525/elementa.2023.00032
- Springtime Nitrogen Oxide-Influenced Chlorine Chemistry in the Coastal Arctic S. McNamara et al. 10.1021/acs.est.9b01797
- The impact of chlorine chemistry combined with heterogeneous N2O5 reactions on air quality in China X. Yang et al. 10.5194/acp-22-3743-2022
- “New” Reactive Nitrogen Chemistry Reshapes the Relationship of Ozone to Its Precursors Q. Li et al. 10.1021/acs.est.7b05771
- Impact and pathway of halogens on atmospheric oxidants in coastal city clusters in the Yangtze River Delta region in China H. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.apr.2023.101979
- Interpretation of the effects of anthropogenic chlorine on nitrate formation over northeast Asia during KORUS-AQ 2016 H. Jo et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164920
- Combined impacts of nitrous acid and nitryl chloride on lower-tropospheric ozone: new module development in WRF-Chem and application to China L. Zhang et al. 10.5194/acp-17-9733-2017
- Efficient N2O5 uptake and NO3 oxidation in the outflow of urban Beijing H. Wang et al. 10.5194/acp-18-9705-2018
- The impact of sea-salt chloride on ozone through heterogeneous reaction with N2O5 in a coastal region of south China J. Dai et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117604
- Reactive oxidized nitrogen speciation and partitioning in urban and rural New York State M. Ninneman et al. 10.1080/10962247.2020.1837289
- Modeling the impact of chlorine emissions from coal combustion and prescribed waste incineration on tropospheric ozone formation in China Y. Liu et al. 10.5194/acp-18-2709-2018
- Study of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Chlorine Radical-Initiated Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds in a Polluted Atmosphere Using a 3D Chemical Transport Model M. Choi et al. 10.1021/acs.est.0c02958
- Fast near-surface ClNO2 production and its impact on O3 formation during a heavy pollution event in South China X. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159998
- Impacts of chlorine emissions on secondary pollutants in China Y. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118177
- Nitrogen Oxides Emissions, Chemistry, Deposition, and Export Over the Northeast United States During the WINTER Aircraft Campaign L. Jaeglé et al. 10.1029/2018JD029133
- Cross-regional transport of PM2.5 nitrate in the Pearl River Delta, China: Contributions and mechanisms K. Qu et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142439
- Impact of halogen chemistry on summertime air quality in coastal and continental Europe: application of the CMAQ model and implications for regulation Q. Li et al. 10.5194/acp-19-15321-2019
- Impact of the ‘13th Five-Year Plan’ Policy on Air Quality in Pearl River Delta, China: A Case Study of Haizhu District in Guangzhou City Using WRF-Chem J. Zhan et al. 10.3390/app10155276
- Formation and impacts of nitryl chloride in Pearl River Delta H. Wang et al. 10.5194/acp-22-14837-2022
- The role of anthropogenic chlorine emission in surface ozone formation during different seasons over eastern China Y. Hong et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137697
- Model simulation of NO 3 , N 2 O 5 and ClNO 2 at a rural site in Beijing during CAREBeijing-2006 H. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.06.013
- Ozone impacts of gas–aerosol uptake in global chemistry transport models S. Stadtler et al. 10.5194/acp-18-3147-2018
- Quantifying the Contributions of Aerosol- and Snow-Produced ClNO2 through Observations and 1D Modeling D. Jeong et al. 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00237
- Abundance and origin of fine particulate chloride in continental China X. Yang et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.205
- Performance and application of air quality models on ozone simulation in China – A review J. Yang & Y. Zhao 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119446
- Evidence for strong, widespread chlorine radical chemistry associated with pollution outflow from continental Asia A. Baker et al. 10.1038/srep36821
49 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Halogens Enhance Haze Pollution in China Q. Li et al. 10.1021/acs.est.1c01949
- Significant chlorine emissions from biomass burning affect the long-term atmospheric chemistry in Asia D. Chang et al. 10.1093/nsr/nwae285
- Multiphase Photochemistry of Pyruvic Acid under Atmospheric Conditions A. Reed Harris et al. 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b01107
- Heterogeneous N2O5 uptake coefficient and production yield of ClNO2 in polluted northern China: roles of aerosol water content and chemical composition Y. Tham et al. 10.5194/acp-18-13155-2018
- Importance of reactive halogens in the tropical marine atmosphere: a regional modelling study using WRF-Chem A. Badia et al. 10.5194/acp-19-3161-2019
- Integration of airborne and ground observations of nitryl chloride in the Seoul metropolitan area and the implications on regional oxidation capacity during KORUS-AQ 2016 D. Jeong et al. 10.5194/acp-19-12779-2019
- Chemical Interactions Between Ship‐Originated Air Pollutants and Ocean‐Emitted Halogens Q. Li et al. 10.1029/2020JD034175
- Modeling the impact of heterogeneous reactions of chlorine on summertime nitrate formation in Beijing, China X. Qiu et al. 10.5194/acp-19-6737-2019
- An in situ flow tube system for direct measurement of N2O5 heterogeneous uptake coefficients in polluted environments W. Wang et al. 10.5194/amt-11-5643-2018
- Fast heterogeneous N2O5 uptake and ClNO2 production in power plant and industrial plumes observed in the nocturnal residual layer over the North China Plain Z. Wang et al. 10.5194/acp-17-12361-2017
- Impacts of chlorine chemistry and anthropogenic emissions on secondary pollutants in the Yangtze river delta region J. Li et al. 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117624
- Impact of international shipping emissions on ozone and PM2.5 in East Asia during summer: the important role of HONO and ClNO2 J. Dai & T. Wang 10.5194/acp-21-8747-2021
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- Modeling particulate nitrate in China: Current findings and future directions X. Xie et al. 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107369
- Sensitivity of the WRF-Chem v4.4 simulations of ozone and formaldehyde and their precursors to multiple bottom-up emission inventories over East Asia during the KORUS-AQ 2016 field campaign K. Kim et al. 10.5194/gmd-17-1931-2024
- The deep blue day is decreasing in China S. Wang et al. 10.1007/s00704-021-03898-1
- Effects of Anthropogenic Chlorine on PM2.5 and Ozone Air Quality in China X. Wang et al. 10.1021/acs.est.0c02296
- Significant Impact of Reactive Chlorine on Complex Air Pollution Over the Yangtze River Delta Region, China X. Yi et al. 10.1029/2023JD038898
- Significant impact of heterogeneous reactions of reactive chlorine species on summertime atmospheric ozone and free-radical formation in north China X. Qiu et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133580
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- Impacts of ocean biogeochemistry on atmospheric chemistry L. Tinel et al. 10.1525/elementa.2023.00032
- Springtime Nitrogen Oxide-Influenced Chlorine Chemistry in the Coastal Arctic S. McNamara et al. 10.1021/acs.est.9b01797
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- Impact and pathway of halogens on atmospheric oxidants in coastal city clusters in the Yangtze River Delta region in China H. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.apr.2023.101979
- Interpretation of the effects of anthropogenic chlorine on nitrate formation over northeast Asia during KORUS-AQ 2016 H. Jo et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164920
- Combined impacts of nitrous acid and nitryl chloride on lower-tropospheric ozone: new module development in WRF-Chem and application to China L. Zhang et al. 10.5194/acp-17-9733-2017
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- The impact of sea-salt chloride on ozone through heterogeneous reaction with N2O5 in a coastal region of south China J. Dai et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117604
- Reactive oxidized nitrogen speciation and partitioning in urban and rural New York State M. Ninneman et al. 10.1080/10962247.2020.1837289
- Modeling the impact of chlorine emissions from coal combustion and prescribed waste incineration on tropospheric ozone formation in China Y. Liu et al. 10.5194/acp-18-2709-2018
- Study of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Chlorine Radical-Initiated Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds in a Polluted Atmosphere Using a 3D Chemical Transport Model M. Choi et al. 10.1021/acs.est.0c02958
- Fast near-surface ClNO2 production and its impact on O3 formation during a heavy pollution event in South China X. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159998
- Impacts of chlorine emissions on secondary pollutants in China Y. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118177
- Nitrogen Oxides Emissions, Chemistry, Deposition, and Export Over the Northeast United States During the WINTER Aircraft Campaign L. Jaeglé et al. 10.1029/2018JD029133
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- Impact of halogen chemistry on summertime air quality in coastal and continental Europe: application of the CMAQ model and implications for regulation Q. Li et al. 10.5194/acp-19-15321-2019
- Impact of the ‘13th Five-Year Plan’ Policy on Air Quality in Pearl River Delta, China: A Case Study of Haizhu District in Guangzhou City Using WRF-Chem J. Zhan et al. 10.3390/app10155276
- Formation and impacts of nitryl chloride in Pearl River Delta H. Wang et al. 10.5194/acp-22-14837-2022
- The role of anthropogenic chlorine emission in surface ozone formation during different seasons over eastern China Y. Hong et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137697
- Model simulation of NO 3 , N 2 O 5 and ClNO 2 at a rural site in Beijing during CAREBeijing-2006 H. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.06.013
- Ozone impacts of gas–aerosol uptake in global chemistry transport models S. Stadtler et al. 10.5194/acp-18-3147-2018
- Quantifying the Contributions of Aerosol- and Snow-Produced ClNO2 through Observations and 1D Modeling D. Jeong et al. 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00237
- Abundance and origin of fine particulate chloride in continental China X. Yang et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.205
- Performance and application of air quality models on ozone simulation in China – A review J. Yang & Y. Zhao 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119446
1 citations as recorded by crossref.
Latest update: 14 Mar 2025
Short summary
The regional distributions and impacts of N2O5 and ClNO2 remain poorly understood. To address the problem, we developed a chemical transport model further and conducted the first high-resolution simulation of the distributions of the two species. Our research demonstrated the significant impacts of the two gases on the lifetime of nitrogen oxides, secondary nitrate production and ozone formation in southern China and highlighted the necessity of considering this chemistry in air quality models.
The regional distributions and impacts of N2O5 and ClNO2 remain poorly understood. To address...
Final-revised paper