Articles | Volume 16, issue 22
Research article
23 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2016

Inventory of anthropogenic methane emissions in mainland China from 1980 to 2010

Shushi Peng, Shilong Piao, Philippe Bousquet, Philippe Ciais, Bengang Li, Xin Lin, Shu Tao, Zhiping Wang, Yuan Zhang, and Feng Zhou


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Short summary
Methane is an important greenhouse gas, which accounts for about 20 % of the warming induced by long-lived greenhouse gases since 1750. Anthropogenic methane emissions from China may have been growing rapidly in the past decades because of increased coal mining and fast growing livestock. A good long-term methane emissions dataset is still lacking. Here, we produced a detailed bottom-up inventory of anthropogenic methane emissions from the eight major source sectors in China during 1980–2010.
Final-revised paper