Articles | Volume 15, issue 16
Research article
28 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 28 Aug 2015

Seasonal and diurnal trends in black carbon properties and co-pollutants in Mexico City

A. Retama, D. Baumgardner, G. B. Raga, G. R. McMeeking, and J. W. Walker


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Short summary
Extended measurements of equivalent black carbon (eBC) derived from light absorption measurements have been made with a PAX over a 13 month period. The daily trends in eBC and other co-pollutants are evaluated with respect to season. The primary factors that led to large changes between the wet and dry seasons are the accelerated vertical mixing of boundary layer and free tropospheric air, by the formation of clouds and decreased actinic flux that reduces the production of ozone.
Final-revised paper