Articles | Volume 15, issue 15
Research article
10 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 10 Aug 2015

Seasonal variation of secondary organic aerosol tracers in Central Tibetan Plateau

R.-Q. Shen, X. Ding, Q.-F. He, Z.-Y. Cong, Q.-Q. Yu, and X.-M. Wang


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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024
Short summary
1) Seasonal trends of SOA tracers and origins were studied in the remote TP for the first time. 2) Seasonal variation of isoprene SOA tracers was mainly influenced by emission. 3) Due to the transport of air pollutants from the Indian subcontinent, aromatics SOA tracer presented relatively higher levels in the summer and elevated mass fractions in the winter. 4) Biogenic SOC dominated over anthropogenic SOC in the remote TP.
Final-revised paper