Articles | Volume 15, issue 15
Research article
03 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 03 Aug 2015

On the use of satellite-derived CH4 : CO2 columns in a joint inversion of CH4 and CO2 fluxes

S. Pandey, S. Houweling, M. Krol, I. Aben, and T. Röckmann


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Short summary
This study attempts to determine the feasibility of a new assimilation method of satellite measurements of CH4 and CO2 for optimization of their surface fluxes in a synthetic environment. Instead of their absolute concentrations, we assimilate the ratios of their concentrations (CH4/CO2) in our inversion. Doing so helps us to reduce the effect of atmospheric scattering on the measurements in our system. However, assimilation of the ratios makes the inversion non-linear.
Final-revised paper