Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Research article
04 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 04 Jun 2015

Photochemical processing of aqueous atmospheric brown carbon

R. Zhao, A. K. Y. Lee, L. Huang, X. Li, F. Yang, and J. P. D. Abbatt


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Short summary
Aqueous-phase photochemical decay of light absorbing organic compounds, or atmospheric brown carbon (BrC), is investigated in this study. The absorptive change of laboratory surrogates of BrC, as well as biofuel combustion samples, were monitored during photolysis and OH oxidation experiments. The major finding is the rapid change in the absorptivity of BrC during such photochemical processing. This change should be taken into account to evaluate the importance of BrC in the atmosphere.
Final-revised paper