Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Research article
20 May 2015
Research article |  | 20 May 2015

Profiles of second- to fourth-order moments of turbulent temperature fluctuations in the convective boundary layer: first measurements with rotational Raman lidar

A. Behrendt, V. Wulfmeyer, E. Hammann, S. K. Muppa, and S. Pal


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Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Short summary
The exchange of energy between the Earth surface and the atmosphere is governed by turbulent processes which form the convective boundary layer (CBL) in daytime. The representation of the CBL in atmospheric models is critical, e.g., for the simulation of clouds and precipitation. We show that a new active remote-sensing technique, rotational Raman lidar, characterizes the turbulent temperature fluctuations in the CBL better than previous techniques and discuss the statistics of a typical case.
Final-revised paper