Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
23 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2015

Mesoscale modelling study of the interactions between aerosols and PBL meteorology during a haze episode in China Jing–Jin–Ji and its near surrounding region – Part 2: Aerosols' radiative feedback effects

H. Wang, G. Y. Shi, X. Y. Zhang, S. L. Gong, S. C. Tan, B. Chen, H. Z. Che, and T. Li


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Short summary
Solar radiation reaching the ground decreases about 15% in Chinese 3JNS region and by 20 to 25% in the region with the highest AOD. Aerosol cools the PBL atmosphere but warms the atmosphere above it, leading to a more stable atmosphere that causes a decrease in turbulence diffusion of about 52% and in PBL height of about 33%; this results in a positive feedback on the PM2.5 concentration within the PBL and the surface as well as the haze formation.
Final-revised paper