Articles | Volume 15, issue 24
Research article
18 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 18 Dec 2015

Formation of secondary organic aerosol in the Paris pollution plume and its impact on surrounding regions

Q. J. Zhang, M. Beekmann, E. Freney, K. Sellegri, J. M. Pichon, A. Schwarzenboeck, A. Colomb, T. Bourrianne, V. Michoud, and A. Borbon


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Short summary
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is an important pollutant formed from megacity emissions at a regional scale. An original method based on ratios of different pollutants is used to specifically validate the aerosol scheme (the volatility basis set approach) within a CTM. The method is applied to airborne measurements performed within the Paris plume during the MEGAPOLI summer campaign. Simulations indicate that SOA of anthropogenic origin has a significant impact on regional air quality.
Final-revised paper