Articles | Volume 15, issue 22
Research article
25 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 25 Nov 2015

Signature of tropical fires in the diurnal cycle of tropospheric CO as seen from Metop-A/IASI

T. Thonat, C. Crevoisier, N. A. Scott, A. Chédin, R. Armante, and L. Crépeau


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Short summary
Based on 5 years of CO columns derived from the IASI sounder, we show that tropospheric CO displays a diurnal signal with a seasonality and intensity that agrees well with the evolution of fires. We suggest that at night, after the passing of IASI at 21:30, a large amount of CO emissions from the smoldering phase is trapped in the boundary layer before being uplifted the next morning by natural and pyroconvection up to the free troposphere.
Final-revised paper