Articles | Volume 15, issue 18
Research article
29 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 29 Sep 2015

Springtime daily variations in lower-tropospheric ozone over east Asia: the role of cyclonic activity and pollution as observed from space with IASI

G. Dufour, M. Eremenko, J. Cuesta, C. Doche, G. Foret, M. Beekmann, A. Cheiney, Y. Wang, Z. Cai, Y. Liu, M. Takigawa, Y. Kanaya, and J.-M. Flaud


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Short summary
We identify the stratospheric and the photochemical sources contributing to the late-spring O3 distribution over East Asia using IASI O3 and CO observations. Reversible subsiding O3 transfers in the UTLS associated with low-pressure systems impact lower-tropospheric O3 north of 40°N. By contrast, photochemical production from primary pollutants significantly contributes to the enhanced lower-tropospheric O3 over the NCP and photochemical processing occurs within the plume exported from the NCP.
Final-revised paper