13 Nov 2017
 | 13 Nov 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

How does soil water availability control phytotoxic O3 dose to montane pines? Modelling and experimental study from two contrasting climatic regions in Europe

Svetlana Bičárová, Zuzana Sitková, Hana Pavlendová, Peter Fleischer Jr., Peter Fleischer Sr., Laurence Dalstein-Richier, Marie-Lyne Ciriani, and Andrzej Bytnerowicz

Abstract. Montane forests are exposed to high ambient ozone (O3) concentrations that may adversely affect physiological processes in internal cells when O3 molecules enter the plants through the stomata. This study addresses the model results of Phytotoxic Ozone Dose metric (POD) based on estimation of stomatal O3 flux to dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo) and Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra). We focused on two different bioclimatic regions: (1) the temperate mountain forests in the High Tatra Mts (SK–HT) of the Western Carpathians, and (2) the Mediterranean forests of the Alpes–Mercantour (FR–Alp) in the Alpes–Maritimes. Field measurement of O3 concentration and meteorological data incorporated into deposition model DO3SE showed lower O3 flux in FR–Alp than in SK–HT plots for the 2016 growing season. Model outputs showed that soil humidity play a key role in stomatal O3 uptake by montane pines at the alpine timberline. We found that temperate climatic conditions in SK–HT with sufficient precipitation did not limit stomatal conductivity and O3 uptake of P. mugo and P. cembra. On the other hand, the Mediterranean mountain climate characterised by warm and dry summer reduced stomatal conductance of pines in FR–Alp. POD without threshold limitation i.e. POD0 as a recently developed biologically sounded O3 metric varied near around and below critical level (CLef) depending upon different conditions of sunshine exposure in SK–HT plots. Field observation at these plots showed relatively weak visible O3 injury on P. cembra (2 % and 7 %) when compared with P. mugo (8 % and 18 %) for one year (C+1) and two year (C+2) old needles, respectively. Despite of low POD0 values, clearly below CLef, the highest level of visible O3 damage on average from 10 % (C+1) to 25 % (C+2) was observed on P. cembra needles in Mediterranean (FR–Alp) area. Further research is needed to clarify the effect of real soil moisture regime on stomatal closure in dry areas (FR–Alp) and resistance of pine species against visible O3 injury in wet subalpine zones (SK–HT). More attention should be paid to O3 fluxes covering a year-round growing season as well as intra-daily dynamics, especially the night hours, since these time spans appear to play significant role in O3 uptake by mountain conifers.

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Svetlana Bičárová, Zuzana Sitková, Hana Pavlendová, Peter Fleischer Jr., Peter Fleischer Sr., Laurence Dalstein-Richier, Marie-Lyne Ciriani, and Andrzej Bytnerowicz
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Svetlana Bičárová, Zuzana Sitková, Hana Pavlendová, Peter Fleischer Jr., Peter Fleischer Sr., Laurence Dalstein-Richier, Marie-Lyne Ciriani, and Andrzej Bytnerowicz
Svetlana Bičárová, Zuzana Sitková, Hana Pavlendová, Peter Fleischer Jr., Peter Fleischer Sr., Laurence Dalstein-Richier, Marie-Lyne Ciriani, and Andrzej Bytnerowicz


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Short summary
Ground-level ozone is risk air pollutant causing serious oxidative damage of plants when enters through stomata. European mountain forests are exposed to ozone concentrations high enough to injury of sensitive species. We found higher stomatal ozone uptake by montane pines in temperate forests of Tatra Mts (Slovakia) than in Mediterranean forests of Alpes–Mercantour (France). Soil water availability was revealed as relevant driver controlling phytotoxic ozone effect on vulnerable forest species.