12 Jun 2009
 | 12 Jun 2009
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

Evidence of the water-cage effect on the photolysis of NO3- and FeOH2+, and its implications for the photochemistry at the air-water interface of atmospheric droplets

P. Nissenson, D. Dabdub, R. Das, V. Maurino, C. Minero, and D. Vione

Abstract. Experiments are conducted to determine the photolysis quantum yields of nitrate, FeOH2+, and H2O2 in the bulk and at the surface layer of water. Results show that the quantum yields of nitrate and FeOH2+ are enhanced at the surface compared to the bulk due to a reduced water-cage surrounding the photo-fragments (OH+NO2 and Fe2++OH, respectively). However, no evidence is found for an enhanced quantum yield for H2O2 at the surface. The photolysis rate constant distribution within nitrate, FeOH2+, and H2O2 aerosols is calculated by combining the quantum yield data with Mie theory calculations of light intensity. Values for the photolysis rate constant of nitrate and FeOH2+ are significantly higher at the surface than in the bulk due to enhanced quantum yields at the surface. The results concerning the rates of photolysis of these photoactive species are applied to the assessment of the reaction between benzene and OH in the presence of OH scavengers in an atmospherically relevant scenario. For a droplet of 1μm radius, a large fraction of the total OH-benzene reaction (15% for H2O2, 20% for nitrate, and 35% for FeOH2+) occurs in the surface layer, which accounts for just 0.15% of the droplet volume. By neglecting the surface effects on photochemistry, the rate of the important reactions could be underestimated by a considerable amount.

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P. Nissenson, D. Dabdub, R. Das, V. Maurino, C. Minero, and D. Vione
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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P. Nissenson, D. Dabdub, R. Das, V. Maurino, C. Minero, and D. Vione
P. Nissenson, D. Dabdub, R. Das, V. Maurino, C. Minero, and D. Vione


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