Articles | Volume 24, issue 17
Research article
06 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 06 Sep 2024

Exploring the sources of light-absorbing carbonaceous aerosols by integrating observational and modeling results: insights from Northeast China

Yuan Cheng, Xu-bing Cao, Sheng-qiang Zhu, Zhi-qing Zhang, Jiu-meng Liu, Hong-liang Zhang, Qiang Zhang, and Ke-bin He


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Short summary
The agreement between observational and modeling results is essential for the development of efficient air pollution control strategies. Here we constrained the modeling results of carbonaceous aerosols by field observation in Northeast China, a historically overlooked but recently targeted region of national clean-air actions. Our study suggested that the simulation of agricultural fire emissions and secondary organic aerosols remains challenging.
Final-revised paper