Articles | Volume 24, issue 17
Measurement report
05 Sep 2024
Measurement report |  | 05 Sep 2024

Measurement report: Vertical and temporal variability in the near-surface ozone production rate and sensitivity in an urban area in the Pearl River Delta region, China

Jun Zhou, Chunsheng Zhang, Aiming Liu, Bin Yuan, Yan Wang, Wenjie Wang, Jie-Ping Zhou, Yixin Hao, Xiao-Bing Li, Xianjun He, Xin Song, Yubin Chen, Suxia Yang, Shuchun Yang, Yanfeng Wu, Bin Jiang, Shan Huang, Junwen Liu, Yuwen Peng, Jipeng Qi, Minhui Deng, Bowen Zhong, Yibo Huangfu, and Min Shao


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Latest update: 16 Sep 2024
Short summary
In-depth understanding of the near-ground vertical variability in photochemical ozone (O3)  formation is crucial for mitigating O3 pollution. Utilizing a self-built vertical observation system, a direct net photochemical O3 production rate detection system, and an observation-based model, we diagnosed the vertical distributions and formation mechanism of net photochemical O3 production rates and sensitivity in the Pearl River Delta region, one of the most O3-polluted areas in China.
Final-revised paper