Articles | Volume 24, issue 16
Research article
30 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 30 Aug 2024

Microphysical modelling of aerosol scavenging by different types of clouds: description and validation of the approach

Pascal Lemaitre, Arnaud Quérel, Alexis Dépée, Alice Guerra Devigne, Marie Monier, Thibault Hiron, Chloé Soto Minguez, Daniel Hardy, and Andrea Flossmann


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Short summary
A new in-cloud scavenging scheme is proposed. It is based on a microphysical model of cloud formation and may be applied to long-distance atmospheric transport models (> 100 km) and climatic models. This model is applied to the two most extreme precipitating cloud types in terms of both relative humidity and vertical extension: cumulonimbus and stratus.
Final-revised paper