Articles | Volume 24, issue 16
Research article
28 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 28 Aug 2024

Hygroscopic growth and activation changed submicron aerosol composition and properties in the North China Plain

Weiqi Xu, Ye Kuang, Wanyun Xu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Biao Luo, Xiaoyi Zhang, Jiangchuang Tao, Hongqin Qiao, Li Liu, and Yele Sun


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Short summary
We deployed an advanced aerosol–fog sampling system at a rural site in the North China Plain to investigate impacts of aerosol hygroscopic growth and activation on the physicochemical properties of submicron aerosols. Observed results highlighted remarkably different aqueous processing of primary and secondary submicron aerosol components under distinct ambient relative humidity (RH) conditions and that RH levels significantly impact aerosol sampling through the aerosol swelling effect.
Final-revised paper