Articles | Volume 24, issue 14
Research article
22 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 22 Jul 2024

Evaluating NOx stack plume emissions using a high-resolution atmospheric chemistry model and satellite-derived NO2 columns

Maarten Krol, Bart van Stratum, Isidora Anglou, and Klaas Folkert Boersma

Model code and software

Code, input, output, and analysis software of the CoCO2 paper Maarten Krol

Short summary
This paper presents detailed plume simulations of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide that are emitted from four large industrial facilities world-wide. Results from the high-resolution simulations that include atmospheric chemistry are compared to nitrogen dioxide observations from satellites. We find good performance of the model and show that common assumptions that are used in simplified models need revision. This work is important for the monitoring of emissions using satellite data.
Final-revised paper