Articles | Volume 24, issue 13
Research article
05 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 05 Jul 2024

The marinada fall wind in the eastern Ebro sub-basin: physical mechanisms and role of the sea, orography and irrigation

Tanguy Lunel, Maria Antonia Jimenez, Joan Cuxart, Daniel Martinez-Villagrasa, Aaron Boone, and Patrick Le Moigne

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Cited articles

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Short summary
During the summer in Catalonia, a cool wind, the marinada, blows into the eastern Ebro basin in the afternoon. This study investigates its previously unclear dynamics using observations and a meteorological model. It is found to be driven by a cool marine air mass that flows over the mountains into the basin. The study shows how the sea breeze, upslope winds, larger weather patterns and irrigation play a prominent role in the formation and characteristics of the marinada.
Final-revised paper