Articles | Volume 24, issue 10
Research article
24 May 2024
Research article |  | 24 May 2024

Impact of ice multiplication on the cloud electrification of a cold-season thunderstorm: a numerical case study

Jing Yang, Shiye Huang, Tianqi Yang, Qilin Zhang, Yuting Deng, and Yubao Liu

Data sets

Impact of ice multiplication on the cloud electrification of cold-season thunderstorm: a numerical case study Jing Yang

Short summary
This study contributes to filling the dearth of understanding the impacts of different secondary ice production (SIP) processes on the cloud electrification in cold-season thunderstorms. The results suggest that SIP, especially the rime-splintering process and the shattering of freezing drops, has significant impacts on the charge structure of the storm. In addition, the modeled radar composite reflectivity and flash rate are improved after implementing the SIP processes in the model.
Final-revised paper