Articles | Volume 24, issue 10
Research article
23 May 2024
Research article |  | 23 May 2024

Developing a climatological simplification of aerosols to enter the cloud microphysics of a global climate model

Ulrike Proske, Sylvaine Ferrachat, and Ulrike Lohmann

Data sets

Data for the publication “The global aerosolclimate model ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 – Part 2: Cloud evaluation, aerosol radiative forcing and climate sensitivity” David Neubauer et al.

Data for the publication "Developing a climatological simplification of aerosols to enter the cloud microphysics of a global climate model" - part 1 and 2 Ulrike Proske et al.

Data for the publication "Developing a climatological simplification of aerosols to enter the cloud microphysics of a global climate model" - part 1 and 2 Ulrike Proske et al.

Model code and software

Scripts for the publication "Developing a climatological simplification of aerosols to enter the cloud microphysics of a global climate model" Ulrike Proske et al.

Short summary
Climate models include treatment of aerosol particles because these influence clouds and radiation. Over time their representation has grown increasingly detailed. This complexity may hinder our understanding of model behaviour. Thus here we simplify the aerosol representation of our climate model by prescribing mean concentrations, which saves run time and helps to discover unexpected model behaviour. We conclude that simplifications provide a new perspective for model study and development.
Final-revised paper