REVIEW Preprint egusphere-2023-570
I am glad that Tinorua and co-authors incorporated some of my previous suggestions. In some parts, the manuscript’s quality and readability improved since the first submission. However, this version still suffers from very similar flaws compared to the first draft. The presentation of the results is chaotic since there is little cohesion between the text and the figures. I notice an overall superficiality in justifying technical choices, presenting the data and interpreting the results. Finally, the results are not clearly summarized in the conclusion section, which is a very confusing mix of results, references and speculations. Considering the number of specific comments that can be found as follows (editing, grammar, nomenclature, sequence of figures, etc…), I have the impression that the manuscript was not carefully controlled before resubmission. Despite the high interest in the dataset, I cannot recommend the publication of the manuscript in ACP. I leave the choice of full rejection or resubmission after major changes to the editor, waiting for the pending reviews from other referees.
The C value was changed from 3.63 to 3.22 according to Yus-Díez et al. (2021). Considering the importance of this change and the direct effect on absorption coefficient and MAC, the choice should be explained better, and should not be based, solely, on the fact that Montsec d’Ares is a mountaintop site 200 km away from PDM. More specific comments:
- In the main text of Yus-Díez et al. (2021), I could find values between 2.51 and 2.36 for Montsec d’Ares. These values are calculated using a different type of filter and normalized against the MAAP at one single wavelength.
- Finding the value 3.22 in Yus-Diez requires some work since is available only in a table in the supplementary.
- In Yus-Diez, the value of 4.05 is specific for 880 nm and is retrieved by comparing the Aethalometer with an offline polar photometer, which is not commercially available nor widely diffused.
- 3.22 is a second factor obtained using the offline polar photometer working as a MAAP. Since no detailed information is provided in the supplementary of Yus-Díez et al. (2021), I believe that 3.22 is calculated normalizing the absorption of the offline polar photometer to the absorption of the MAAP.
- The use of a wavelength-dependent C, is justified in this specific case since SSA values are quite high at PDM. In this SSA region, C values might drastically increase.
- If a wavelength-dependent C is used at 880 nm, I imagine that the ap used to calculate SSA at 635, 525 and 450 nm are corrected with a wavelength-dependent C. Same applies to AAE and SAE.
- First submission: The mean σap,880 was 0.27 Mm−1 (L220). Second submission: The mean σap,880 was 0.27 Mm−1 (L267). So, are the data corrected for a C value of 3.22 or not?
Unfortunately, none of these points are addressed in the manuscript nor in the supplementary. So, the authors are required to describe and justify more in detail their choices. This comment should be taken very seriously since the same problem was observed in the first round of reviews.
Work needs to be done to harmonise nomenclature:
- Although this might be interpreted as a single little mistake, it is an irritating one. The authors use “refractive BC” instead of “refractory BC” in the full text.
- Harmonise the nomenclature for scattering and absorption…. sca - abs or sp - ap
In my previous review, I mentioned that colour ratio might be used (potentially) to distinguish direct biomass-burning events. Although the analysis of colour ratio usually provides very noisy results, which are hard to interpret, it could be used to identify the potential influence of BB (Schwarz et al., 2006; Dahlkötter, 2014). So, the author’s statement “the color ratio only provides information on the presence of dustparticles” is fundamentally wrong. In the revised manuscript I did not expect to see a full colour-ratio analysis over two years, but, at least, a better justification on why it was not applied.
The SP2 community urgently needs open-source software to treat the data. So, the authors should consider a more careful evaluation of the two codes. In this regard, I have some more comments:
- As written Text S1 suggest that the PSI toolkit is wrong while the python code is right. Indeed, the IGOR code has its limits, but it has been around for more than a decade, so I would be careful with some statements.
- The mass difference can be mostly attributed to the calibration curve. I would be very curious to see a comparison between number concentration.
- If the igor code counts invalid signal as real particles, shouldn’t the toolkit concentration be higher? Figure S1 shows the opposite.
- According to the values provided in the supplementary, analysing the same dataset with the IGOR toolkit would lead to a 20% lower MrBC and to a 20% higher MAC. I would not consider this difference to be negligible. If we consider that C values decreased from 3.63 to 3.22 (absorption increase of roughly 10%), the software and constant choices will introduce a MAC uncertainty of 30%.
- When addressing the differences between the two codes, the authors should be able to properly identify the causes. Without a proper evaluation/comparison of the two codes, the concluding statements could also be rewritten as: “The Python code might be less sensitive than the PSI toolkit due to a different selection of valid individual signals. …”
- “These different possibilities have not been explored in detail”. To be truly honest, this must have been done before the submission of the current manuscript. From my point of view, this is a crucial mistake from the authors.
As already raised in the first review, I have my doubts about the relevance of Eabs, as calculated and treated here. It is worth mentioning absorption enhancement if the available data allow quantifying the mixing state of BC…since the lensing effect is a direct consequence of coating formation. Without data on coating thickness, no real optical closure could be presented. I thus suggest the authors to: 1) focus on MAC variability in the full paper rather than EABS; 2) dedicate a very short paragraph, listing all possible uncertainty (RI in primis), to the overall Eabs that might characterize on average PDM.
As already mentioned in the first round of reviews, the conclusions are too speculative. From my point of view, the new section worsened compared to the first submission. I strongly advise the authors to:
- Strictly and precisely describe their conclusive results. As it is, it is extremely hard to separate the results of this paper from previous works.
- Avoid any long discussions on global modelling and related parametrization of ageing, scavenging and absorption.
Many figures feature an unusual notation for units. As an example, “ng.m-3”. From my experience, the use of a dot as a unit separator is unusual. None of the recently published ACP manuscripts presents this type of notation.
L253: please use the sectors indicated above.
L267: Since C was decreased from 3.63 to 3.22. I expect a value of ap higher than previous submission (also 0.27 Mm-1). Please verify your numbers.
L54: explain what Eabs is
L54-56: please, try to avoid such a long listing of references. My former supervisor would call this “lazy bibliography work”. Try to identify the works most pertinent works needed to send your message and help the reader identify who did what.
L71-76: This description might fit better in Section 2.1
L77: remove “in the indicated sections”
L92-93: Is this campaign called “Hygroscopic properties of black carbon”? Is this important information? If yes, please mention it in the abstract or introduction.
L100: sampled air
L101: inside the room or in the inlet?
L114 give a reference for the density.
L123-125: Here I have the same question as in the first round of comments. Mode1 is extrapolated from the Sp2 measurements in the 90-100 nm range? If this is true, is it reasonable to fit a lognormal curve on 10 nm?
L142: …,880,950 nm. Be consistent with line 137.
L217: The histogram in Figure S6 shows the dominance of periods with RH above 90%. I am wondering how many days have been removed from the two years period.
L253: please use the sectors indicated above.
L267: Since C was decreased from 3.63 to 3.22. I expect a value of ap higher than the previous submission (also 0.27 Mm-1). Please verify your numbers.
L264-284: There is incongruency between the sequence of properties discussed in the text and presented in figure 3. If I am not wrong, panels b and c are not discussed here. So, to be consistent, ap should be Figure 3b and sp should be Figure 3c.
L279-280: Remove the sentence about BC. When speaking of BC you can recall absorption. Try to keep a linear sequence of topics and figures.
L285-309 and F4: I have the impression that the graph does not provide a clear “speciation” of the aerosol optical properties. If the authors want to draw some evident conclusions from this analysis, the time resolution of the AAE, SAE and SSA should be decreased to at least 1 day. Alternatively, the Cappa method could be applied to summer-winter (on daily resolution)9, wet-dry and BL-FT cases (on hourly resolution)
F3: I would not fill the gaps between march and august 2020 for panel a, b and e. SAE is shortly discussed and AAE is not mentioned in the text. I guess they can both be removed from figure 3, since they are included in Figure 4 and discussed after. It is particularly not nice to see the wavelengths in legend not in decreasing or incresing order 635-450-525, please correct.
S3.3: Maybe this is a problem of my PDF reader, but the numbering of subsections is missing, as in the first submission
F6: since the concentration is normalized, only one colour scale is needed
L399-400: the diurnal variability of Eabs is poorly described. As it is, it does not provide crucial information and can be easily removed. Nonetheless, it might reflect, in terms of MrBC or BC/CO the daily cycle of BL and FT, as also shown by the authors in the reply to my first review. Excluding spring and summer, the diurnal analysis could be modified and used to introduce section 3.4.2. Clearly, this change will require some rethinking and additional work.
L413-414: I am glad that the authors implemented my comments. However, I think that the statement here is not exact. The goal of removing BL periods is to decrease the influence of air masses with different BC/CO ratios caused by different sources.
L415: Looking at Figure 8a, a value of 2.1 ng m−3 ppbv−1 is associated with precipitation-free back trajectories. In the second round of reviews, this sort of mistake should be avoided.
L418: please remind the readers that measurements that occurred at RH above 90% are removed.
L425-429:It would be nice to provide some numbers here. Otherwise is hard to compare with the studies cited (provide some numbers here too, please)
L434-441: The authors are considering only nucleation scavenging. Rightfully, fresh BC particles are hydrophobic, thus non-cloud-active. However, fresh and aged BC particles could be removed by wet scavenging below the cloud by impaction scavenging or inside the cloud by interstitial scavenging too. So, I would not indulge in a long discussion about supersaturation, when there might have been various competing removal mechanisms.
F8: Eabs is not discussed in the text. And I agree with this choice. But, why it is still shown in the figure? I would remove panel c and d and potentially replace it with Drbc, see following comment. F9: there is no need for two panels, show the absolute or normalized concentration. It is unclear to me how the RH lines are defined…RH>85% during precipitation period and RH<85% in no precipitation period? Potentially, Figure 9 could be merged with figure 8 removing the Eabs panels. Why it is “ng.m-3”? Remove this omnipresent point from units.
L444: check the subscript for ΔMrBC/ΔCO
L444-445: I already expressed my doubt on ΔMrBC calculated as MrBC. Figure 10a clearly shows that there is substantial variability in MrBC values depending on BL conditions. Especially in BL conditions. So, I still think that ΔMrBC should be calculated as the difference between the background concentration and the current concentration. In any case, as already mentioned, if you decide to keep the current calculation, the ratio must be called MrBC/ ΔCO. Otherwise, this is misleading. Moreover, I cannot find the number associated with the results shown in Figure 10c.
L446-448: No values given for Eabs. Eabs should be shown in panel c and not b. Please try to maintain the same sequence in the text and in the figures/panels.
L449-450: Please reformulate the sentence reporting the mean or median concentration….as written, it is weird
L452-454: unclear, please rephrase.
L459-460: Again, no values are provided.
L468-478: rBC loading and BC/OC are shown in Fig 10d and f not d and e
L479-491: I still have doubts about this subsection. First, I do not find a clear reason explaining the variability of eabs. Second, Section 3.4.2 is supposed to discuss FT/BL dynamics, which is not treated in this part of the text and in Figure 11. In my opinion, all these parts should be removed.
Dahlkötter, F.: Airborne observations of black carbon aerosol layers at mid-latitudes, Technische Universität München, 2014.
Schwarz, J. P., Gao, R. S., Fahey, D. W., Thomson, D. S., Watts, L. A., Wilson, J. C., Reeves, J. M., Darbeheshti, M., Baumgardner, D. G., Kok, G. L., Chung, S. H., Schulz, M., Hendricks, J., Lauer, A., Kärcher, B., Slowik, J. G., Rosenlof, K. H., Thompson, T. L., Langford, A. O., Loewenstein, M., and Aikin, K. C.: Single-particle measurements of midlatitude black carbon and light-scattering aerosols from the boundary layer to the lower stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, 111, D16207,, 2006.
Yus-Díez, J., Bernardoni, V., Močnik, G., Alastuey, A., Ciniglia, D., Ivančič, M., Querol, X., Perez, N., Reche, C., Rigler, M., Vecchi, R., Valentini, S., and Pandolfi, M.: Determination of the multiple-scattering correction factor and its cross-sensitivity to scattering and wavelength dependence for different AE33 Aethalometer filter tapes: a multi-instrumental approach, Atmospheric Meas. Tech., 14, 6335–6355,, 2021. |