Articles | Volume 24, issue 20
Research article
21 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 21 Oct 2024

Nocturnal atmospheric synergistic oxidation reduces the formation of low-volatility organic compounds from biogenic emissions

Han Zang, Zekun Luo, Chenxi Li, Ziyue Li, Dandan Huang, and Yue Zhao


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Short summary
Atmospheric organics are subject to synergistic oxidation by different oxidants, yet the mechanisms of such processes are poorly understood. Here, using direct measurements and kinetic modeling, we probe the nocturnal synergistic-oxidation mechanism of α-pinene by O3 and NO3 radicals and in particular the fate of peroxy radical intermediates of different origins, which will deepen our understanding of the monoterpene oxidation chemistry and its contribution to atmospheric particle formation.
Final-revised paper