Long-range transport of air pollutants increases the concentration of hazardous components of PM2.5 in northern South America
Data sets
CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4) https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/datasets/cams-global-reanalysis-eac4
ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present https://doi.org/10.24381/cds.bd0915c6
GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V07 https://doi.org/10.5067/GPM/IMERG/3B-HH/07
Estaciones Calidad del Aire https://siata.gov.co/descarga_siata/index.php/index2/login/cerrar_sesion
Reanalisys 1 https://downloads.psl.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/pressure/
Model code and software
Basic trajectories code in python (v2.0.0) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13730208