Articles | Volume 24, issue 18
Research article
26 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2024

Verifying national inventory-based combustion emissions of CO2 across the UK and mainland Europe using satellite observations of atmospheric CO and CO2

Tia R. Scarpelli, Paul I. Palmer, Mark Lunt, Ingrid Super, and Arjan Droste

Data sets

OCO-2 Level~2 bias-corrected \chem{XCO_2} and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files, Retrospective processing V10r OCO-2 Science Team, et al.

Copernicus Sentinel-5P, TROPOMI Level 2 Carbon Monoxide total column products ESA

ICOS Atmosphere Release 2022-1 of Level 2 Greenhouse Gas Mole Fractions of CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, meteorology and 14CO2 ICOS RI

UK DECC (Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change) Network S. O'Doherty, et al.

Model code and software

GEOS-Chem Harvard University

Short summary
Under the Paris Agreement, countries must track their anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This study describes a method to determine self-consistent estimates for combustion emissions and natural fluxes of CO2 from atmospheric data. We report consistent estimates inferred using this approach from satellite data and ground-based data over Europe, suggesting that satellite data can be used to determine national anthropogenic CO2 emissions for countries where ground-based CO2 data are absent.
Final-revised paper