Articles | Volume 23, issue 15
Measurement report
04 Aug 2023
Measurement report |  | 04 Aug 2023

Measurement report: A 1-year study to estimate maritime contributions to PM10 in a coastal area in northern France

Frédéric Ledoux, Cloé Roche, Gilles Delmaire, Gilles Roussel, Olivier Favez, Marc Fadel, and Dominique Courcot

Data sets

Data for "Measurement report: A one-year study to estimate maritime contributions to PM10 in a coastal area in Northern France." Frédéric Ledoux, Cloé Roche, Gilles Delmaire, Gilles Roussel, Olivier Favez, Marc Fadel, and Dominique Courcot

Short summary
We quantify the emissions from the marine sector in northern France, whether from natural or human-made sources. Therefore, a 1-year PM10 sampling campaign was conducted at a French coastal site. Results showed that sea salts contributed 37 %, while secondary nitrate and sulfate contributed 42 %, biomass burning 8 %, and heavy-fuel-oil combustion from shipping emissions 5 %. Sources contributing more than 80 % of PM10 are of regional and/or long-range origin.
Final-revised paper