Articles | Volume 23, issue 14
Research article
17 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 17 Jul 2023

Evolution of organic carbon in the laboratory oxidation of biomass-burning emissions

Kevin J. Nihill, Matthew M. Coggon, Christopher Y. Lim, Abigail R. Koss, Bin Yuan, Jordan E. Krechmer, Kanako Sekimoto, Jose L. Jimenez, Joost de Gouw, Christopher D. Cappa, Colette L. Heald, Carsten Warneke, and Jesse H. Kroll

Data sets

FIREX FireLab 2016 Data NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory

Short summary
In this work, we collect emissions from controlled burns of biomass fuels that can be found in the western United States into an environmental chamber in order to simulate their oxidation as they pass through the atmosphere. These findings provide a detailed characterization of the composition of the atmosphere downwind of wildfires. In turn, this will help to explore the effects of these changing emissions on downwind populations and will also directly inform atmospheric and climate models.
Final-revised paper