Articles | Volume 23, issue 11
Measurement report
07 Jun 2023
Measurement report |  | 07 Jun 2023

Measurement report: Diurnal variations of brown carbon during two distinct seasons in a megacity in northeast China

Yuan Cheng, Xu-bing Cao, Jiu-meng Liu, Ying-jie Zhong, Qin-qin Yu, Qiang Zhang, and Ke-bin He

Data sets

Diurnal variations of brown carbon during two distinct seasons in a megacity in Northeast China Yuan Cheng

Short summary
Brown carbon (BrC) aerosols were explored in the northernmost megacity in China during a frigid winter and an agricultural-fire-impacted spring. BrC was more light absorbing at night for both seasons, with more pronounced diurnal variations in spring, and the dominant drivers were identified as regulations on heavy-duty diesel trucks and open burning, respectively. Agricultural fires resulted in unique absorption spectra of BrC, which were characterized by a distinct peak at ∼365 nm.
Final-revised paper