Articles | Volume 23, issue 8
Research article
20 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 20 Apr 2023

Ice-nucleating particles in northern Greenland: annual cycles, biological contribution and parameterizations

Kevin C. H. Sze, Heike Wex, Markus Hartmann, Henrik Skov, Andreas Massling, Diego Villanueva, and Frank Stratmann

Data sets

Two years of data on Ice Nucleating Particles (INP) from Villum Research Station (VRS) in Northern Greenland Kevin C. H. Sze, Heike Wex, Markus Hartmann, Henrik Skov, Andreas Massling, and Frank Stratmann

Sample and droplet volume information of Ice Nucleating Particles (INP) including original files, from Villum Research Station (VRS) in Northern Greenland Kevin C. H. Sze, Heike Wex, Markus Hartmann, Henrik Skov, Andreas Massling, and Frank Stratmann

Short summary
Ice-nucleating particles (INPs) play an important role in cloud formation and thus in our climate. But little is known about the abundance and properties of INPs, especially in the Arctic, where the temperature increases almost 4 times as fast as that of the rest of the globe. We observe higher INP concentrations and more biological INPs in summer than in winter, likely from local sources. We also provide three equations for estimating INP concentrations in models at different times of the year.
Final-revised paper