Articles | Volume 23, issue 7
Research article
14 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 14 Apr 2023

Parameterization of downward long-wave radiation based on long-term baseline surface radiation measurements in China

Junli Yang, Jianglin Hu, Qiying Chen, and Weijun Quan

Data sets

Hourly dataset of downward longwave radiation at CBSRN Junli Yang and Weijun Quan

Video supplement

Brief introduction to parameterization of downward longwave radiation based on long-term baseline surface radiation measurements in China Junli Yang and Weijun Quan

Short summary
Downward long-wave radiation (DLR) affects energy exchange between the land surface and the atmosphere, while it is seldom observed at conventional radiation stations. Therefore, parameterization of DLR based on the near-surface meteorological variables provides a chance to estimate the DLR over most meteorological stations. This work established three parameterizations suited to estimating the DLR over China by using the measurements from the CBSRN with an accuracy of ~6.1 %.
Final-revised paper