Articles | Volume 23, issue 4
Research article
21 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 21 Feb 2023

Elucidate the formation mechanism of particulate nitrate based on direct radical observations in the Yangtze River Delta summer 2019

Tianyu Zhai, Keding Lu, Haichao Wang, Shengrong Lou, Xiaorui Chen, Renzhi Hu, and Yuanhang Zhang


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Short summary
Particulate nitrate is a growing issue in air pollution. Based on comprehensive field measurement, we show heavy nitrate pollution in eastern China in summer. OH reacting with NO2 at daytime dominates nitrate formation on clean days, while N2O5 hydrolysis largely enhances and become comparable with that of OH reacting with O2 on polluted days (67.2 % and 30.2 %). Model simulation indicates that VOC : NOx  = 2 : 1 is effective in mitigating the O3 and nitrate pollution coordinately.
Final-revised paper