The revised version of this paper has addressed many of the questions raised by me and the other reviewer and does read better. However, I think the writing can be further improved to tease out the key messages/findings. This is especially important in the title, abstract, and conclusions, but is also relevant to the other sections.
Climatology of seawater DMS concentrations such as Lana et al and Hulswar et al, containing monthly concentration field for each grid cell, have been used historically in many ESMs to drive DMS flux. Doing so requires a choice of the gas transfer velocity (K), which comes with significant uncertainty. The use of satellite Chla (and other ancillary parameters) also allow for a description of the interannual variability in seawater DMS concentration and so flux, which cannot be captured by using a climatology.
The main motivations of this work (according to my reading of the paper, and according to the authors’ replier to reviewers) are to see 1) how sensitive are DMS flux and concentrations (in water and in air) to these different options of K and DMS concentration fields, and 2) the impact of interannual variability on atmospheric DMS concentration. These motivations are fine, but the abstract/conclusion do not currently reflect point 2 (to me the key motivation).
Currently the abstract/conclusion really focus on the finding that a linear wind speed dependence in K is superior to a quadratic dependence. While this is a useful message (especially to the earth system modellers), it really isn’t a new finding – in situ observations more than a decade ago show that K of DMS and wind speed has a near linear relationship.
The current conclusion also states that by combining satellite Chla with a seawater DMS parameterization (Anderson et al 2001), one captures the spatial/temporal variability in atmospheric/seawater DMS better than using a climatology. To me, it’s clear that this approach would provide more interannual variability than a climatology. However, based on the evidence shown it’s not obvious that this approach captures the spatial variability ‘better’ than the climatology. As seen in Fig 2, the seawater DMS concentration field driven by Chla/Anderson is very different from the observation-based climatology. And the limited comparisons with in situ observations do not yield clear cut evidence to me that MODIS-DMS is ‘better’ or more accurate (but better than MEDUSA? Probably). For example it seems to give a lower mean (in seawater DMS, DMS flux, and atmospheric DMS) than the observation-based climatology. Are the authors arguing that the climatology itself is biased high?
This discrepancy is probably in part due to the decision of using the Anderson parametrization, which is >20 years out of date and does not represent the state-of-the-art. I would’ve liked to see the authors testing some more recent parametrizations of seawater DMS concentrations. If for whatever reason the authors cannot do so, fine, but then the authors should refrain from statements that suggest MOIDS-DMS captures the mean or spatial variability in seawater DMS better than climatology. They should focus more on the interannual variability component.
I suggest the authors to rewrite the abstract/conclusion with the following components (and revise the paper to reflect/back up these points):
- Sensitivities of DMS concentrations (water/air) and flux to the different parametrizations of K and seawater DMS concentration fields
- Various validations using in situ observations
- Then the key take home messages:
1) That use a linear wind speed dependence in K (based on DMS measurements) is better than using a quadratic dependence. Again, a useful message, but don’t labour over it.
2) the seawater DMS concentration field driven by Chla/Anderson is very different from the observation-based climatology. Probably need (to incorporate) more observations to say conclusively which is more accurate
3) interannual variability (a key motivation for their MODIS-DMS approach). The authors seem to suggest currently in the conclusion that it’s not very important, but I don’t think their estimates capture the entire interannual variability. See detailed comments below.
4) Atmospheric impact: the authors seem to suggest that Nd/CCN/AOD are not very sensitive to the different DMS emissions, but I think Figure 9 shows otherwise. While none of the emission options explains the gaps between simulations and satellite derived Nd/CCN/AOD, among the simulations themselves I think there’s quite a range in especially Nd and CCN, which is worth stating.
Finally, they should probably acknowledge that future work should adopt more recent parametrization of seawater DMS concentration.
Specific comments.
Overall, the writing is still not very precise. Please be specific whether the sentences are talking about DMS concentrations (water/air) or flux. And make clear distinctions between DMS flux (~=K * [DMS]seawater) and DMS transfer velocity (K).
Title. To many, the word ‘source’ can be synonymous with ‘emission’. Here the authors really mean ‘surface seawater concentration’
Line 9. ‘Same gas transfer velocity’, not ‘same sea-to-air flux’
Line 10. DMS FLUX varies …
Line 11. ‘different gas transfer velocity’, not ‘differing sea-to-air flux’
Line 12. The phrase ‘DMS source’ implies a flux to me. But the authors actually mean a different seawater DMS concentration dataset
Line 16. ‘recently developed transfer velocity parametrizations’ is presumably a linear one? The last two sentences have some repetition
Line 17-18 this could be moved to near the top of the abstract
Line 18-20 I find it strange that one of the main messages in the abstract is that the seawater DMS datasets and transfer velocity parametrizations are poorly constrained. Isn’t the point of this paper to improve the representations of these processes?
Line 29-30; 35-37. These descriptions of marine DMS cycling are pretty vague. I suggest for line 29, remove the ‘controlled by marine biota statement’, and move that to line ~36. More accurately, phytoplankton produces DMSP, and bacteria+ phytoplankton consume DMSP to produce DMS. Thus one expects some correspondence between chlorophyll a and DMS, but not a perfect one.
Line 41-42. Not exactly. Zooplankton graze on phytoplankton, which releases DMSP/DMS. Dacey and Wakeham, 1986
Line 46. Also mention Hulswar et al 2022 here
Line 54. This seems a good place to introduce the flux equation = K * deltaC
Line 121. By how much? Be quantitative
Line 126. Liss and Merlivat is piece-wise linear, to be precise
Line 139. Indicate unit for T
Eq.4 this is an unusual way of representing Liss and Merlivat 1986, and I’m not sure that they’re correct.
Equation for U <3.6 m/s is ok.
For 3.6<U10<13 m/s, it should be (2.85U10-9.65)*(600/Sc)^1/2
For U10>13 m/s, it should be (5.8U10-49.3)* 600/Sc)^1/2
Section 2.4.1. please be specific when talking about datasets. Are they datasets of seawater DMS concentration, atmospheric concentration, or both (+fluxes)?
Line 178. ‘daily-averaged observations’ of CDNC from MODIS?
Line 180. Here and elsewhere. Phases such as ‘we used Choudhury and Tesche (2023)’ are too colloquial and inexact. Do the authors mean. E.g. ‘we used observations from Choudhury and Tesche (2023)’?
Line 202, 223, 249 etc. Fig number not specified
Line 248. ‘aligns well’ seems generous. MODIS-DMS clearly underestimates relative to observations for the TAN cruise. For SOAP, MODIS-DMS does cover a large range of variability, but its mean is also overestimated.
Line 250. How’s ‘Southern Ocean’ defined here?
Line 253, 266, 268. By ‘source’, it’s more exact to say seawater concentration
Line 271. Why are the authors choosing to compare their flux estimates with Webb et al. 2019 observations, which were from the coastal zone? The comparison is bound to be poor.
Line 270-283. I don’t find these comparisons very insightful, because 1) these previous observation-based flux estimates probably used different K parameterizations (would be slightly more useful to just compare seawater DMS concentration), and 2) many of these observations seem outside the 10-year simulation window, so I don’t know how the authors are able to make direct comparisons (e.g. how were SST, U10, etc treated?).
Line 286. References here should really be consistent with line 60.
Line 298. Not clear to me what insights these comparisons offer exactly. That variability is greater near the coast? Or high DMS concentrations are associated with sea ice? Keep in mind due to atmospheric transport and loss, atmospheric DMS and seawater DMS concentrations usually correlate very poorly. Here atmospheric DMS measured/modelled at the coast mostly originated from further upwind.
Line 311, 318. Fig number?
Line 320, 321. If I understand correctly, the authors compared MODIS-DMS vs. a climatology of MODIS-DMS (e.g. ~climatology of Chla). To drive flux, in both sets of simulations the other parameters (wind speed, SST) were allowed to be time-varying and contained interannual variability. If so, this comparison underestimates the total interannual variability in DMS flux. The high r2 (0.92) is surely driven in part by the fact that both sets of simulations used the same wind speed, SST, etc. To estimate the total interannual variability in DMS flux, one should probably compare against a climatology of FLUX driven by DMS-MODIS.
Line 329 the wind?
Line 332. This seems in contrast to results from Revell et al. 2019 (line 30). Not quite sure about the phrase ‘little change’ here. Can authors show panels a c e in Fig. 9 on linear, rather than log scale? By eye there seems to be significant change in at least Nd and CCN. Just because the model (still) severely underestimates Nd and CCN relative to observations (line 339), it doesn’t mean that the DMS emission doesn’t matter. But rather (probably) the model is missing some other aerosol sources in the Southern Ocean.
Also, would be useful to see maps of simulated Nd/CCN/AOD vs. satellite derived observations. Given the fact that climatology and MODIS-DMS yield very different maps of seawater DMS concentrations, can comparisons with maps of Nd/CCN/AOD yield some clues about which is more realistic?
Line 335. What do authors mean by ‘changing the mean DMS emissions’?
Line 336. I don’t understand what this sentence means
Line 340. Again, I think it’s more accurate to use ‘seawater DMS concentration’ instead of ‘source’ here, as to many ‘source’ = emission
Line 343-344. This sentence makes it sound like the MODIS-DMS is the truth. Probably better to just say that MODIS-DMS simulates lower DMS concentration
Line 349. If this is the case, why not just use the climatology (e.g. Hulswar)?
Line 352. ‘good spatial representation’ doesn’t seem like the best choice of words, as MODIS-DMS (Fig 2 b) looks very different from the Lana and Hulswar climatology. Do the authors feel that MODIS-DMS give a more realistic representation of the spatial distribution of DMS than the climatology? And if so, what’s their evidence?
Line 353-356. This sentence could be moved to the beginning of conclusion, as justification for this work
Line 357, 359, 361. ‘transfer velocity parametrization’, not ‘flux parametrization’’
Line 358. ‘transfer velocity parametrization’, not ‘sea-to-air parametrization’
Line 363. ‘transfer velocity parametrization’, not ‘DMS parametrization’
Line 366. Specify what these atmospheric DMS concentrations are, for the entire southern ocean? During which months/years? Or during the comparison periods?
Line 367. Again, be specific with language. ‘Transfer velocity parametrization’ is more appropriate than ‘DMS-specific relationships’
I can’t find the appendix. |