Articles | Volume 23, issue 23
Research article
29 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 29 Nov 2023

A colorful look at climate sensitivity

Bjorn Stevens and Lukas Kluft

Data sets

A Colorful look at Climate Sensitivity | Auxiliary data Bjorn Stevens and Lukas Kluft

Model code and software

A Colorful look at Climate Sensitivity | Auxiliary data Bjorn Stevens and Lukas Kluft

Short summary
A simple model is introduced to account for the spectral diversity of radiant energy transfer. It provides an improved basis for assessing the different ways in which clouds influence Earth’s climate sensitivity, demonstrating how many cloud effects depend on the existing cloud climatology. Given existing assessments of changes in cloud albedo with warming, it is determined that clouds reduce Earth's climate sensitivity as compared to what it would be in a counterfactual world without clouds.
Final-revised paper