Articles | Volume 23, issue 22
Research article
28 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 28 Nov 2023

Undetected biogenic volatile organic compounds from Norway spruce drive total ozone reactivity measurements

Steven Job Thomas, Toni Tykkä, Heidi Hellén, Federico Bianchi, and Arnaud P. Praplan

Data sets

Undetected BVOCs from Norway spruce drive total ozone reactivity measurements S. J. Thomas

Short summary
The study employed total ozone reactivity to demonstrate how emissions of Norway spruce readily react with ozone and could be a major ozone sink, particularly under stress. Additionally, this approach provided insight into the limitations of current analytical techniques that measure the compounds present or emitted into the atmosphere. The study shows how the technique used was not enough to measure all compounds emitted, and this could potentially underestimate various atmospheric processes.
Final-revised paper