Articles | Volume 23, issue 22
Research article
14 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 14 Nov 2023

Impact of transport model resolution and a priori assumptions on inverse modeling of Swiss F-gas emissions

Ioannis Katharopoulos, Dominique Rust, Martin K. Vollmer, Dominik Brunner, Stefan Reimann, Simon J. O'Doherty, Dickon Young, Kieran M. Stanley, Tanja Schuck, Jgor Arduini, Lukas Emmenegger, and Stephan Henne

Data sets

Atmospheric Halocarbon Observations at Beromünster, Switzerland, and Bayesian Inverse Modeling to assess Emissions (2.0.0) D. Rust, M. K. Vollmer, I. Katharopoulos, S. Henne, and S. Reimann

Atmospheric observations of SF6, HFC-32, HFC- 125, and HFC-134a at Sottens, Switzerland D. Rust, M. K. Vollmer, I. Katharopoulos, S. Henne, and S. Reimann

Short summary
The effectiveness of climate change mitigation needs to be scrutinized by monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Countries report their emissions to the UN in a bottom-up manner. By combining atmospheric observations and transport models someone can independently validate emission estimates in a top-down fashion. We report Swiss emissions of synthetic GHGs based on kilometer-scale transport and inverse modeling, highlighting the role of appropriate resolution in complex terrain.
Final-revised paper