Articles | Volume 23, issue 21
Research article
09 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 09 Nov 2023

Sensitivity of cirrus and contrail radiative effect on cloud microphysical and environmental parameters

Kevin Wolf, Nicolas Bellouin, and Olivier Boucher

Data sets

Simulated top-of-atmosphere (120 km) downward and upward solar and thermal-infrared irradiances and ice cloud optical thickness; calculated solar, TIR and net cloud radiative effect. Simulated with ice crystal properties for aggregates, droxtals, and plates based on Yang (2013) Kevin Wolf, Nicolas Bellouin, and Olivier Boucher

Short summary
Cirrus and contrails considerably impact Earth's energy budget. Such ice clouds can have a positive (warming) or negative (cooling) net radiative effect (RE), which depends on cloud and ambient properties. The effect of eight parameters on the cloud RE is estimated. In total, 283 500 radiative transfer simulations have been performed, spanning the typical parameter ranges associated with cirrus and contrails. Specific cases are selected and discussed. The data set is publicly available.
Final-revised paper