Articles | Volume 23, issue 21
Research article
06 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 06 Nov 2023

Air pollution trapping in the Dresden Basin from gray-zone scale urban modeling

Michael Weger and Bernd Heinold

Data sets

CAIRDIO simulation results and observational data for Dresden (1.0) M. Weger and B. Heinold

Model code and software

CAIRDIO city-scale air dispersion model with diffusive obstacles M. Weger, O. Knoth, and B. Heinold

Short summary
This study investigates the effects of complex terrain on air pollution trapping using a numerical model which simulates the dispersion of emissions under real meteorological conditions. The additionally simulated aerosol age allows us to distinguish areas that accumulate aerosol over time from areas that are more influenced by fresh emissions. The Dresden Basin, a widened section of the Elbe Valley in eastern Germany, is selected as the target area in a case study to demonstrate the concept.
Final-revised paper