Articles | Volume 22, issue 15
Research article
09 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 09 Aug 2022

Effects of the sample matrix on the photobleaching and photodegradation of toluene-derived secondary organic aerosol compounds

Alexandra L. Klodt, Marley Adamek, Monica Dibley, Sergey A. Nizkorodov, and Rachel E. O'Brien

Data sets

Experiment Set: Toluene SOA Generation for matrix effects study A. L. Klodt

Short summary
We investigated photochemistry of a secondary organic aerosol under three different conditions: in a dilute aqueous solution mimicking cloud droplets, in a solution of concentrated ammonium sulfate mimicking deliquesced aerosol, and in an organic matrix mimicking dry organic aerosol. We find that rate and mechanisms of photochemistry depend sensitively on these conditions, suggesting that the same organic aerosol compounds will degrade at different rates depending on their local environment.
Final-revised paper