Articles | Volume 22, issue 15
Research article
05 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 05 Aug 2022

Characterising the dynamic movement of thunderstorms using very low- and low-frequency (VLF/LF) total lightning data over the Pearl River Delta region

Si Cheng, Jianguo Wang, Li Cai, Mi Zhou, Rui Su, Yijun Huang, and Quanxin Li


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Short summary
This paper helps to improve the recognition of severe thunderstorms in advance by giving a general understanding of how long the storm lasts, how fast the cluster moves and how much area the storm affects via information about the kinematic features of thunderstorms, which are the duration, valid area, the velocity, the direction and the farthest distance, and ideally to establish a foundation for future research that may contribute to the development of a new or improved prediction paradigm.
Final-revised paper