Articles | Volume 21, issue 24
Research article
23 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 23 Dec 2021

Mass of different snow crystal shapes derived from fall speed measurements

Sandra Vázquez-Martín, Thomas Kuhn, and Salomon Eliasson

Data sets

Snow ice particle microphysical properties and fall speed from particle images taken in Kiruna (Sweden) 2014-2018 T. Kuhn and S. Vázquez-Martín

Short summary
High-resolution top- and side-view images of snow ice particles taken by the D-ICI instrument are used to determine the shape; size; cross-sectional area; fall speed; and, based upon these properties, the mass of the individual snow particles. The study analyses the relationships between these fundamental properties as a function of particle shape and highlights that the choice of size parameter, maximum dimension or another characteristic length, is crucial when relating fall speed to mass.
Final-revised paper