Articles | Volume 21, issue 24
Research article
22 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 22 Dec 2021

Propagation paths and source distributions of resolved gravity waves in ECMWF-IFS analysis fields around the southern polar night jet

Cornelia Strube, Peter Preusse, Manfred Ern, and Martin Riese

Data sets

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Atmospheric Model high resolution data ECMWF https://www.ecmwf. int/en/forecasts/datasets

Short summary
High gravity wave (GW) momentum fluxes in the lower stratospheric southern polar vortex around 60° S are still poorly understood. Few GW sources are found at these latitudes. We present a ray tracing case study on waves resolved in high-resolution global model temperatures southeast of New Zealand. We show that lateral propagation of more than 1000 km takes place below 20 km altitude, and a variety of orographic and non-orographic sources located north of 50° S generate the wave field.
Final-revised paper