Articles | Volume 21, issue 2
Research article
29 Jan 2021
Research article |  | 29 Jan 2021

Increased new particle yields with largely decreased probability of survival to CCN size at the summit of Mt. Tai under reduced SO2 emissions

Yujiao Zhu, Likun Xue, Jian Gao, Jianmin Chen, Hongyong Li, Yong Zhao, Zhaoxin Guo, Tianshu Chen, Liang Wen, Penggang Zheng, Ye Shan, Xinfeng Wang, Tao Wang, Xiaohong Yao, and Wenxing Wang

Data sets

Mt. Tai particle number concentration datasets Yujiao Zhu, Likun Xue, and Xiaohong Yao

Short summary
This work investigates the long-term changes in new particle formation (NPF) events under reduced SO2 emissions at the summit of Mt. Tai during seven campaigns from 2007 to 2018. We found the NPF intensity increased 2- to 3-fold in 2018 compared to 2007. In contrast, the probability of new particles growing to CCN size largely decreased. Changes to biogenic VOCs and anthropogenic emissions are proposed to explain the distinct NPF characteristics.
Final-revised paper