Articles | Volume 21, issue 15
Measurement report
13 Aug 2021
Measurement report |  | 13 Aug 2021

Measurement report: Effect of wind shear on PM10 concentration vertical structure in the urban boundary layer in a complex terrain

Piotr Sekuła, Anita Bokwa, Jakub Bartyzel, Bogdan Bochenek, Łukasz Chmura, Michał Gałkowski, and Mirosław Zimnoch


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Short summary
The wind shear generated on a local scale by the diversified relief’s impact can be a factor which significantly modifies the spatial pattern of PM10 concentration. The vertical profile of PM10 over a city located in a large valley during the events with high surface-level PM10 concentrations may show a sudden decrease with height not only due to the increase in wind speed, but also due to the change in wind direction alone. Vertical aerosanitary urban zones can be distinguished.
Final-revised paper