Articles | Volume 20, issue 16
Research article
26 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 26 Aug 2020

Aerosol concentrations variability over China: two distinct leading modes

Juan Feng, Jianlei Zhu, Jianping Li, and Hong Liao

Data sets

Aerosol concentrations variability over China: two distinct leading modes J. Feng, J. Zhu, J. Li, and H. Liao http://10.5281/zenodo.3247326

Short summary
This paper explores the month-to-month variability of aerosol concentrations (ACs) over China. The AC variability is dominated by the monopole mode and the meridional dipole mode. The associated dynamic and thermal impacts of the climate systems are examined to explain their contributions to the formation of the two modes. The result suggests the variations are originating from the tropical Pacific, and extratropical atmospheric systems contribute to the dominant variabilities of ACs over China.
Final-revised paper